Friday, April 27, 2012

Thank you for Listening

Leah Carr & Nick Minock, UTVS News
My Effective Listening Professor, Dr. Diana Rehling said to us on day one that "Listening is a worthy life time goal." 

I completely agree with her.

The end of my Effective Listening Class brings an unfortunate (almost) end to this blog. But it doesn't bring an end to the pursuit of my new life goal -- being a good listener.

I strongly encourage everyone to enroll in a listening workshop or course if possible. My Effective Listening class has taught me an incredible amount and I am confident it will enlighten you, as it did me.

The Effective Listening class at St. Cloud State University took me by surprise. I have gained more from this class than any other class I've had. The topics covered in this blog do not begin to scratch the surface of the different kinds of listening that exist. 
Moreover, my Effective Listening class wouldn't have been as enjoyable and engaging without Dr. Diana Rehling. She has a wealth of knowledge and a great sense of humor. If you are a student at St. Cloud State University, I strongly encourage you take Effective Listening with her (CMST 229).

Dr. Rehling inspired virtually every post in this blog, and taught me the background knowledge on the topics I covered. These posts include:

For those of you who have taken the time to read my posts, I thank you.

Furthermore, I won't completely abandon this blog, "Listen Up." I will continue to make posts.

Until next time, Go Husky's!

P.S. If you are a first time reader of "Listen Up", I encourage you to continue reading. I think you will find these posts worth your time.

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